Action log
Method: List
Authorization is required.
HTTP request
GET https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/log/action/list/group/{groupId}?filter=&offset={offset}&pageSize={pageSize}&target={target}&typeId={typeId}
property | value | description |
groupId | guid | The id of the group, that you need the reports for |
offset | integer | Needed for the infinite scroll functionality. It is the ID of the last presented item to the user. After the request list is generated the system will skip all records from the beginning up to the record with the provided ID (including it). The next batch of records will be returned in the response. |
pageSize | integer | How many records to be returned by the system. Usually 15 |
filter | string | Query string to be looked for when filtering the records |
typeId | integer | The type of content which manipulation was the source of the log record. The values are as follows:
target | string | In which field to search. Options are:
Request body
Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "success": true, "message": "Eiusmod tempor aliqua incididunt labore Lorem.", "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "errors": {}, "object": { "offset": 196, "logs": [ { "id": 1, "type": "actionLog", "createdOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "Add", "sourceId": 1, "sourceName": "Post", "item": { "id": 20475, "title": "Cillum ex ex sit ullamco.", "url": "" }, "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "John Doe", "extendedAlias": "John Doe Keep", "slug": "johnDoe", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "group": { "id": "e532e792-4101-4ef5-8cd7-68380bbbc703", "name": "Home", "slug": "home", "thumbUrl": "", "url": "" }, "ip": "1::", "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36", "accessWarnings": [] }, { "id": 2, "type": "actionLog", "createdOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "Add", "sourceId": 1, "sourceName": "Post", "item": { "id": 22695, "title": "Excepteur Lorem non cillum culpa non consequat.", "url": "" }, "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "John Doe", "extendedAlias": "John Doe Keep", "slug": "johnDoe", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "group": { "id": "e532e792-4101-4ef5-8cd7-68380bbbc703", "name": "Home", "slug": "home", "thumbUrl": "", "url": "" }, "ip": "1::", "agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36", "accessWarnings": [] } ] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
property | value | description |
id | integer | the id of the record |
typeId | integer | action type. Options are:
typeName | string | the action type name according to the list above |
sourceId | integer | The type of content which manipulation was the source of the log record. The values are as follows:
sourceName | string | the action source name according to the list above |
item | object | some common properties describing the manipulated item: id, title and url |
author | object | some common properties of the user that performed the action: id, alias, extendedAlias, slug, avatarUrl, url (of the profile page) |
group | object | some common properties of the group in which the action was performed: id, name, slug, thumbUrl, url (of the group home page) |
ip | string | the IP address which made the manipulation request |
agent | string | the request agent string |