System settings
This method manages the general system settings.
Method: get
Authorization is required. The method requires a root group administrator privileges.
HTTP request
GET https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/settings/system
Do not supply a request parameters with this method.
Request body
Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": true, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors": [], "object": { "protectedModeEnabled": false, "loginPolicyEnabled": false, "copyright": "Copyright © Enterprise Hive, LLC. All rights reserved.", "copyrightLink": "", "allowedExtensionsDocuments": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3", "allowedExtensionsEditor": "*.pdf,.gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3", "documentMaxSize": 10240, "allowedExtensionsImages": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png", "imageMaxSize": 200, "allowedExtensionsAudio": ".mp3", "audioMaxSize": 5120, "allowedExtensionsVideo": ".asf,.asx,.dvr-ms,.wpl,.wm,.wmx,.wmd,.wma,.wax,.wmv,.wvx,.avi,.wav,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpe,.m1v,.mp2,.mpv2,.mp2c,.mpa,.mp3,.m3u,.mid,.midi,.rmi,.aif,.aifc,.aiff,.au,.snd", "videoMaxSize": 10240, "allowedExtensionsQuickTime": ".mov,.3dmf,.3gpp,.3gpp2,.aiff,.amc,.amr,.au,.avi,.bmp,.dls,.dv,.flc,.gif,.gsm,.jpeg,.jfif,.midi,.mpeg,.mp3,.m3u,.mqv,.m4a,.m4b,.m4p,.m4v,.pics,.pict,.pls,.png,.qcp,.sd2,.sdp,.sdv,.sf2,.sgi,.smil,.vdu,.wave", "quickTimeMaxSize": 10240, "flashMaxSize": 10240, "companyAddress": "Enterprise Hive, LLC P.O. Box 685 4507 Irvington Road, Suite 200 Irvington, VA 22480", "disclaimer": "Disclaimer:External users may contribute content to this site. Such content should not be seen as representing the views of or The Tambellini Group.", "administrationTitle": "Enterprise Hive - Administration", "summaryDigestEnabled": true, "fullDigestEnabled": true, "defaultGroupEmail": "", "defaultAdministratorEmail": "", "smtpServer": "", "smtpPort": 25, "smtpUsername": "smtp-username", "smtpPassword": "smtp-password", "timeOffset": -2, "actionLogsExpirationPeriod": 30, "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
Method: update
Authorization is required.
HTTP request
PUT https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/settings/system
Do not supply a request parameters with this method.
Request body
property | value | description |
protectedModeEnabled | boolean | locks down the whole system. A login required to access a group. |
loginPolicyEnabled | boolean | enables the login policy. |
copyright | string | A copyright text, appearing on the footer's left corner of each page. |
copyrightLink | string | The link of the copyright text. |
allowedExtensionsDocuments | string | allowed extensions for document manager upload. |
allowedExtensionsEditor | string | allowed extensions for the file upload through the editor. |
documentMaxSize | integer | The maximum size of the documents in KB that the users can upload. |
allowedExtensionsImages | string | allowed extensions for the image uploads |
imageMaxSize | integer | The maximum size of the images in KB that are allowed for upload |
allowedExtensionsAudio | string | allowed extensions for the audio uploads |
audioMaxSize | integer | The maximum size of the audio in KB that are allowed for upload |
allowedExtensionsVideo | string | allowed extensions for the video uploads |
videoMaxSize | integer | The maximum size of the video in KB that are allowed for upload |
allowedExtensionsQuickTime | string | allowed extensions for the quick time files uploads |
quickTimeMaxSize | integer | The maximum size of the quick time files in KB that are allowed for upload |
flashMaxSize | integer | The maximum size of the flash files in KB that are allowed for upload |
companyAddress | string | The company address. Appearing on the footer bottom. |
disclaimer | string | Attached to the newsletters and all outgoing emails |
administrationTitle | string | The page meta title of the administration. |
summaryDigestEnabled | boolean | Enables this newsletter option for all users to use |
fullDigestEnabled | boolean | Enables this newsletter option for all users to use |
defaultGroupEmail | string | The default email for the group's administrators. Used in "contact us" link and as sender in the outgoing group emails |
defaultAdministratorEmail | string | The default email for the site's administrators. Used as sender in the outgoing system emails |
smtpServer | string | The IP address of the SMTP server that you will use for sending the emails |
smtpPort | integer | The port of the SMTP server. Usually 25. |
smtpUsername | string | SMTP account username |
smtpPassword | string | SMTP account password |
timeOffset | integer | The offset from the server time that you want to be applied when presenting dates and time. |
actionLogsExpirationPeriod | integer | How many days to store the system's action log |
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": false, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors": [ { "key": "tagCount", "value": "", "message": "tagCount error" }, { "key": "smtpServer", "value": "", "message": "smtpServer error" } ], "object": { "protectedModeEnabled": false, "loginPolicyEnabled": false, "copyright": "Copyright © Enterprise Hive, LLC. All rights reserved.", "copyrightLink": "", "allowedExtensionsDocuments": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3", "allowedExtensionsEditor": "*.pdf,.gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3", "documentMaxSize": 10240, "allowedExtensionsImages": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png", "imageMaxSize": 200, "allowedExtensionsAudio": ".mp3", "audioMaxSize": 5120, "allowedExtensionsVideo": ".asf,.asx,.dvr-ms,.wpl,.wm,.wmx,.wmd,.wma,.wax,.wmv,.wvx,.avi,.wav,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpe,.m1v,.mp2,.mpv2,.mp2c,.mpa,.mp3,.m3u,.mid,.midi,.rmi,.aif,.aifc,.aiff,.au,.snd", "videoMaxSize": 10240, "allowedExtensionsQuickTime": ".mov,.3dmf,.3gpp,.3gpp2,.aiff,.amc,.amr,.au,.avi,.bmp,.dls,.dv,.flc,.gif,.gsm,.jpeg,.jfif,.midi,.mpeg,.mp3,.m3u,.mqv,.m4a,.m4b,.m4p,.m4v,.pics,.pict,.pls,.png,.qcp,.sd2,.sdp,.sdv,.sf2,.sgi,.smil,.vdu,.wave", "quickTimeMaxSize": 10240, "flashMaxSize": 10240, "companyAddress": "Enterprise Hive, LLC P.O. Box 685 4507 Irvington Road, Suite 200 Irvington, VA 22480", "disclaimer": "Disclaimer: External users may contribute content to this site. Such content should not be seen as representing the views of or The Tambellini Group.", "administrationTitle": "Enterprise Hive - Administration", "summaryDigestEnabled": true, "fullDigestEnabled": true, "defaultGroupEmail": "", "defaultAdministratorEmail": "", "smtpServer": "", "smtpPort": 25, "smtpUsername": "smtp-username", "smtpPassword": "smtp-password", "timeOffset": -2, "actionLogsExpirationPeriod": 30, "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.