System settings

This method manages the general system settings.

Method: get

Authorization is required. The method requires a root group administrator privileges.


HTTP request

GET https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/settings/system


Do not supply a request parameters with this method.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:

  "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z",
  "success": true,
  "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.",
  "errors": [],
  "object": {
    "protectedModeEnabled": false,
    "loginPolicyEnabled": false,
    "copyright": "Copyright © Enterprise Hive, LLC.  All rights reserved.",
    "copyrightLink": "",
    "allowedExtensionsDocuments": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3",
    "allowedExtensionsEditor": "*.pdf,.gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3",
    "documentMaxSize": 10240,
    "allowedExtensionsImages": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png",
    "imageMaxSize": 200,
    "allowedExtensionsAudio": ".mp3",
    "audioMaxSize": 5120,
    "allowedExtensionsVideo": ".asf,.asx,.dvr-ms,.wpl,.wm,.wmx,.wmd,.wma,.wax,.wmv,.wvx,.avi,.wav,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpe,.m1v,.mp2,.mpv2,.mp2c,.mpa,.mp3,.m3u,.mid,.midi,.rmi,.aif,.aifc,.aiff,.au,.snd",
    "videoMaxSize": 10240,
    "allowedExtensionsQuickTime": ".mov,.3dmf,.3gpp,.3gpp2,.aiff,.amc,.amr,.au,.avi,.bmp,.dls,.dv,.flc,.gif,.gsm,.jpeg,.jfif,.midi,.mpeg,.mp3,.m3u,.mqv,.m4a,.m4b,.m4p,.m4v,.pics,.pict,.pls,.png,.qcp,.sd2,.sdp,.sdv,.sf2,.sgi,.smil,.vdu,.wave",
    "quickTimeMaxSize": 10240,
    "flashMaxSize": 10240,
    "companyAddress": "Enterprise Hive, LLC P.O. Box 685 4507 Irvington Road, Suite 200 Irvington, VA 22480",
    "disclaimer": "Disclaimer:External users may contribute content to this site. Such content should not be seen as representing the views of or The Tambellini Group.",
    "administrationTitle": "Enterprise Hive - Administration",
    "summaryDigestEnabled": true,
    "fullDigestEnabled": true,
    "defaultGroupEmail": "",
    "defaultAdministratorEmail": "",
    "smtpServer": "",
    "smtpPort": 25,
    "smtpUsername": "smtp-username",
    "smtpPassword": "smtp-password",
    "timeOffset": -2,
    "actionLogsExpirationPeriod": 30,
    "accessWarnings": []

The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.

Method: update

Authorization is required.


HTTP request

PUT https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/settings/system


Do not supply a request parameters with this method.

Request body

property value description
protectedModeEnabled boolean locks down the whole system. A login required to access a group.
loginPolicyEnabled boolean enables the login policy.
copyright string A copyright text, appearing on the footer's left corner of each page.
copyrightLink string The link of the copyright text.
allowedExtensionsDocuments string allowed extensions for document manager upload.
allowedExtensionsEditor string allowed extensions for the file upload through the editor.
documentMaxSize integer The maximum size of the documents in KB that the users can upload.
allowedExtensionsImages string allowed extensions for the image uploads
imageMaxSize integer The maximum size of the images in KB that are allowed for upload
allowedExtensionsAudio string allowed extensions for the audio uploads
audioMaxSize integer The maximum size of the audio in KB that are allowed for upload
allowedExtensionsVideo string allowed extensions for the video uploads
videoMaxSize integer The maximum size of the video in KB that are allowed for upload
allowedExtensionsQuickTime string allowed extensions for the quick time files uploads
quickTimeMaxSize integer The maximum size of the quick time files in KB that are allowed for upload
flashMaxSize integer The maximum size of the flash files in KB that are allowed for upload
companyAddress string The company address. Appearing on the footer bottom.
disclaimer string Attached to the newsletters and all outgoing emails
administrationTitle string The page meta title of the administration.
summaryDigestEnabled boolean Enables this newsletter option for all users to use
fullDigestEnabled boolean Enables this newsletter option for all users to use
defaultGroupEmail string The default email for the group's administrators. Used in "contact us" link and as sender in the outgoing group emails
defaultAdministratorEmail string The default email for the site's administrators. Used as sender in the outgoing system emails
smtpServer string The IP address of the SMTP server that you will use for sending the emails
smtpPort integer The port of the SMTP server. Usually 25.
smtpUsername string SMTP account username
smtpPassword string SMTP account password
timeOffset integer The offset from the server time that you want to be applied when presenting dates and time.
actionLogsExpirationPeriod integer How many days to store the system's action log


If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:

  "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z",
  "success": false,
  "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.",
  "errors": [
      "key": "tagCount",
      "value": "",
      "message": "tagCount error"
      "key": "smtpServer",
      "value": "",
      "message": "smtpServer error"
  "object": {
    "protectedModeEnabled": false,
    "loginPolicyEnabled": false,
    "copyright": "Copyright © Enterprise Hive, LLC.  All rights reserved.",
    "copyrightLink": "",
    "allowedExtensionsDocuments": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3",
    "allowedExtensionsEditor": "*.pdf,.gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png,.swf,.txt,.doc,.rtf,.ppt,.csv,.xls,.avi,.asf,.wmv,.mov,.ram,.rpm,.ra,.rm,.smil,.rmvb,.smi,.mp3",
    "documentMaxSize": 10240,
    "allowedExtensionsImages": ".gif,.jpg,.bmp,.png",
    "imageMaxSize": 200,
    "allowedExtensionsAudio": ".mp3",
    "audioMaxSize": 5120,
    "allowedExtensionsVideo": ".asf,.asx,.dvr-ms,.wpl,.wm,.wmx,.wmd,.wma,.wax,.wmv,.wvx,.avi,.wav,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpe,.m1v,.mp2,.mpv2,.mp2c,.mpa,.mp3,.m3u,.mid,.midi,.rmi,.aif,.aifc,.aiff,.au,.snd",
    "videoMaxSize": 10240,
    "allowedExtensionsQuickTime": ".mov,.3dmf,.3gpp,.3gpp2,.aiff,.amc,.amr,.au,.avi,.bmp,.dls,.dv,.flc,.gif,.gsm,.jpeg,.jfif,.midi,.mpeg,.mp3,.m3u,.mqv,.m4a,.m4b,.m4p,.m4v,.pics,.pict,.pls,.png,.qcp,.sd2,.sdp,.sdv,.sf2,.sgi,.smil,.vdu,.wave",
    "quickTimeMaxSize": 10240,
    "flashMaxSize": 10240,
    "companyAddress": "Enterprise Hive, LLC P.O. Box 685 4507 Irvington Road, Suite 200 Irvington, VA 22480",
    "disclaimer": "Disclaimer: External users may contribute content to this site. Such content should not be seen as representing the views of or The Tambellini Group.",
    "administrationTitle": "Enterprise Hive - Administration",
    "summaryDigestEnabled": true,
    "fullDigestEnabled": true,
    "defaultGroupEmail": "",
    "defaultAdministratorEmail": "",
    "smtpServer": "",
    "smtpPort": 25,
    "smtpUsername": "smtp-username",
    "smtpPassword": "smtp-password",
    "timeOffset": -2,
    "actionLogsExpirationPeriod": 30,
    "accessWarnings": []

The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.