In HiveSocial you can generate preset list of reports in the background and than download them. There are too types of reports:
- System - available only for the root group administrators. Exports data for the whole system
- Group - available for the group administrators and exports data for the group.
Dictionary: system reports list
ID / alias | description |
LoginByDate | Login log sorted by date
logins of the group members for a set period, sorted by the login date
LoginByUsers | Login log sorted by user
logins of the group members for a set period, sorted by username
SignUp | Sign-up sorted by date
new member registration for a set period, sorted by date
AllUsers | All users
all user accounts registered in this group - including those that logged in at least once and those that were imported, but never not logged in
ActiveUsers | Active users
users that has activity for a set period in this group
ContributingUsers | Contributing users
users that has made a post, comment, wiki or document for a set period in this group
NonContributingUsers | Non-contributing users
users that has no post, comment, wiki or document for a set period in this group
AllGroupsTreeMembers | Members of group and its sub-groups
all user accounts that are members of this group and all its child groups
UserLoginInfo | User login history
login events for set period and account in groups of this system
UserContribution | User contribution history
creation of a post, event, new and their comments for set period by an user in groups of this system
PremiumContentSubscriptions | Premium content subscriptions
presents the premium content access subscriptions for all users (or just one) throughout this system
InstitutionSearch | Institution search
Institution search
ForbiddenWords | Forbidden words
lists all posts, events and news in the current community which contain forbidden word
WarningWords | Warning words
lists all posts, events and news in the current community which contain warning word
UserCreateInfo | User text creation history
User text creation history
UserBrowseInfo | User browse history
all pages visited by users (or just one) in this system
Method: generate system report
Authorization is required. Available only for root group administrators
HTTP request
POST https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/system/generate/{reportAlias}
property | value | description |
reportAlias | string | The ID / alias of the report you need according to the provided dictionary above. |
Request body
property | value | description |
settings | object | The settings object for has properties that differ from report to report. You can check the exact properties for each report type above in the Report dictionary |
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": false, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors": [], "object": { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "pending", "fileSizeKB": null, "group": null, "createdOn": null, "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:42:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": null, "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
property | value | description |
success | Boolean | Whether the requested operation is successful or not |
message | String | Human readable error information |
errors | List (object) | List of validation errors, if any. The "key" property value is matched to one of the record's fields |
object | object | The object that caused the validation errors or that was generated. |
Method: delete system report
Authorization is required. Available only for root group administrators
HTTP request
DELETE https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/system/{reportId}
property | value | description |
reportId | guid | In id of the deleted record |
Request body
Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": false, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors":[ { "key":"settings_startDate", "value":"", "message": "URL cannot be blank" }], "object": { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "pending", "fileSizeKB": 1, "group": null, "createdOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:42:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": "", "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
property | value | description |
success | Boolean | Whether the requested operation is successful or not |
message | String | Human readable error information |
errors | List (object) | This list very rarely contains records during delete method processing |
object | object | The object that was deleted |
Method: requested system reports
Authorization is required. Available only for root group administrators
HTTP request
GET https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/system/requested/list
Do not supply a request parameters with this method.
Request body
Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "success": true, "message": "Eiusmod tempor aliqua incididunt labore Lorem.", "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "errors": [], "object": { "offset": 0, "reports": [ { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "ready", "fileSizeKB": 1, "group": null, "createdOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:42:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": "", "accessWarnings": [] } ] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
Method: request again system report
Authorization is required. Available only for root group administrators
HTTP request
POST https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/system/{reportId}/request-again
Do not supply a request parameters with this method.
Request body
property | value | description |
reportId | guid | Which report to regenerate |
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": false, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors": [], "object": { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "pending", "fileSizeKB": 0, "group": null, "createdOn": null, "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:42:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": null, "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
Dictionary: group reports list
ID / alias | description |
LoginByDate | Login log sorted by date
logins of the group members for a set period, sorted by the login date
LoginByUsers | Login log sorted by user
logins of the group members for a set period, sorted by username
SignUp | Sign-up sorted by date
new member registration for a set period, sorted by date
AllUsers | All users
all user accounts registered in this group - including those that logged in at least once and those that were imported, but never not logged in
AllMembers | All time active users
users that logged at least once in this group
ActiveUsers | Active users
users that has activity for a set period in this group
ContributingUsers | Contributing users
users that has made a post, comment, wiki or document for a set period in this group
NonContributingUsers | Non-contributing users
users that has no post, comment, wiki or document for a set period in this group
UserLoginInfo | User login history
login events for set period and account in groups of this system
UserContribution | User contribution history
creation of a post, event, new and their comments for set period by an user in groups of this system
ForbiddenWords | Forbidden words
lists all posts, events and news in the current community which contain forbidden word
ForbiddenWordsSubGroups | Forbidden words of group and its sub-groups
lists all posts, events and news in the current community and all its sub-communities which contain forbidden word
WarningWords | Warning words
lists all posts, events and news in the current community which contain warning word
WarningWordsSubGroups | Warning words of group and its sub-groups
lists all posts, events and news in the current community and all its sub-communities which contain warning word
UserCreateInfo | User text creation history
lists all posts, events, news and their comments in this group
Method: generate group report
Authorization is required. Available only for group administrators
HTTP request
POST https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/local/generate/{reportAlias}/group/{groupId}
property | value | description |
reportAlias | string | The ID / alias of the report you need according to the provided dictionary above. |
groupId | guid | The group you need the report for. |
Request body
property | value | description |
settings | object | The settings object for has properties that differ from report to report. You can check the exact properties for each report type above in the Group Report dictionary |
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": false, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors": [], "object": { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "pending", "fileSizeKB": null, "group": { "id": "e532e792-4101-4ef5-8cd7-68380bbbc703", "name": "fugiat", "slug": "Home", "thumbUrl": "", "url": "" }, "createdOn": null, "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": null, "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
property | value | description |
success | Boolean | Whether the requested operation is successful or not |
message | String | Human readable error information |
errors | List (object) | List of validation errors, if any. The "key" property value is matched to one of the record's fields |
object | object | The object that caused the validation errors or that was generated. |
Method: delete group report
Authorization is required. Available only for group administrators
HTTP request
DELETE https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/local/{reportId}
property | value | description |
reportId | guid | In id of the deleted record |
Request body
Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": false, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors": [ ], "object": { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "pending", "fileSizeKB": 0, "group": { "id": "e532e792-4101-4ef5-8cd7-68380bbbc703", "name": "fugiat", "slug": "Home", "thumbUrl": "", "url": "" }, "createdOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": "", "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
property | value | description |
success | Boolean | Whether the requested operation is successful or not |
message | String | Human readable error information |
errors | List (object) | This list very rarely contains records during delete method processing |
object | object | The object that was deleted |
Method: requested group reports
Authorization is required. Available only for root group administrators
HTTP request
GET https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/local/requested/list/group/{groupId}
property | value | description |
groupId | guid | In id of the group |
Request body
Do not supply a request body with this method.
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "success": true, "message": "Eiusmod tempor aliqua incididunt labore Lorem.", "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "errors": [], "object": { "offset": 0, "reports": [ { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "failed", "fileSizeKB": 1, "group": { "id": "e532e792-4101-4ef5-8cd7-68380bbbc703", "name": "fugiat", "slug": "Home", "thumbUrl": "", "url": "" }, "createdOn": null, "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:42:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": "", "accessWarnings": [] } ] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.
Method: request again group report
Authorization is required. Available only for root group administrators
HTTP request
POST https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/v1/en_US/report/local/{reportId}/request-again
Do not supply a request parameters with this method.
Request body
property | value | description |
reportId | guid | Which report to regenerate |
If successful, this method returns a response JSON with the following structure:
{ "timestamp": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "success": false, "message": "Aliqua anim consequat amet cupidatat proident amet amet.", "errors": [], "object": { "id": "59FFFEA7-2EFE-4D03-9750-506B9A65F4B7", "type": "report", "name": "Login log sorted by date", "typeId": 1, "typeName": "LoginByDate", "status": "pending", "fileSizeKB": null, "group": { "id": "e532e792-4101-4ef5-8cd7-68380bbbc703", "name": "fugiat", "slug": "Home", "thumbUrl": "", "url": "" }, "createdOn": null, "requestedOn": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "author": { "id": "6b05b94e-e7c6-4bab-9377-e89ae1651425", "alias": "labore labore", "extendedAlias": "aute commodo eiusmod nisi labore", "slug": "Home", "avatarUrl": "", "url": "" }, "settings": { "startDate": "2014-03-03T23:20:23Z", "endDate": "2014-05-03T23:20:23Z" }, "url": null, "accessWarnings": [] } }
The general response properties are described on the Response format page. Here are the list of the specific properties for this method.